Lighting up autumnal leaves and architectural structures

Last weekend I visited the Edo-Tokyo open-air architectural museum (江戸東京たてもの園) with my family to look around the special event, "Lighting up autumnal leaves and architectural structures" (紅葉とたてもののライトアップ).

The Edo-Tokyo open-air architectural museum is located in suburbs of Tokyo. It has many historical buildings which had been constructed from 150 years ago to modern times. The museum had moved them to its premises as they were. Inside the museum we can see so many old constructions, so we misunderstand as if we have been slipped into time travel.


(The name of the building is "Ko-dakara-yu". It is said this is one of the model baths of Hayao Miyazaki's movie "Spirited away" [千と千尋の神隠し].)

Though usually the museum opens only in daytime, the special event allowed visitors to enter inside the museum at night. I heard that the concept of the event was "Praising light and shadow" (陰影礼賛). At the event there were lots of beautiful constructions and autumnal leaves illuminated by special lights, and all the visitors enjoyed the special scenery. That was really beyond description!

Edo-Tokyo open-air architectural museum is an interesting place not only for Japanese people but also overseas visitos. I assure you it is worth the visit!

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